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Serving Central Texas
          since 2005
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 (254) 554-4037
...F r e e   C a s h   o r   C a r p e t   C l e a n i n g
We have a FANTASTIC referral program that will be very appealing to you. Since DoneRite Carpet Cleaning relies so heavily on the positive comments of our clients, we want to make it as easy and worth your while for you to share your experience with others by telling them about our services.

Here's how our Referral Rewards Program works:

Now you can get FREE CASH or SERVICES with our new referral program. And you get to be a hero! Just have your friends, neighbors, or clients mention your name when calling our office and they will save 10% off our regular price, it's that simple. And for every new customer you send us, we will automatically send you a referral certificate good for 10% of whatever they spend with us! (Our way of saying thanks). These certificates can be used for CASH or for any of our services. Your certificates are valid for one year and can be used for any of our services, or just mail or fax them into our office and we will send your FREE CASH! Also they are fully transferable, you can give them to your friends, family, neighbors or clients. We want it to be as easy and rewarding as possible for you to refer our services.
Doesn't that sound FANTASTICO?

And remember that we absolutely guarantee all our work, so don't hesitate to refer us to a friend, neighbor, or even a co-worker at your office. DoneRite Carpet Cleaning does a fantastic job of cleaning commercial carpet, & upholstery as well.

To help you build your referrals, call our office or ask one of our cleaning technicians for some FREE trial offer certificates (good for 100 Sq Ft of free carpet cleaning) for those that you may want to refer. This is a no-risk way that your contacts can try our service absolutely FREE! 

That's it. As you can see, you could earn "Referral Certificates" very easily, and very quickly. Even if you only gave me one referral per month, you wouldn't have to pay to get your own carpet cleaned ever again. Doesn't that sound FANTASTIC? I hope you're as excited about this referral program as I am. Many of our current clients are really benefiting from it. So be sure to tell all your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers about the only carpet cleaning company in the area who offers an ironclad, risk-free, 100% money-back guarantee on all their services.

And if you would like to share your cleaning experience with us, please call, write or e-mail us and we'll put your name in a drawing for a FREE carpet cleaning job!

For More Info Call Us Today!
(254) 554-4037
(877) 701-3737
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